Patient Information
Patient Information can be viewed at the top of an AGNES session.
Edit Patient Information
Edit Patient Information by clicking on any field to bring up the Edit Patient form. Enter the current patient information. Click Save when finished. Editing patient information will clear the session of any collected data to ensure AGNES is ready for a new patient.
Search Patient Tab
If the organization system is integrated with an EMR that supports search, clicking any field in Patient Information will display the Patient Search tab. The Patient Search tab will display a list of current patients in the connected EMR.
Select Patient
Choose the desired patient from the list and click Select Patient to load the patient into the current session.
Filter Search Results
Use the search field in the top right to filter the list. The list can be filtered by
- Patient ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Birthdate
Sort Search Results
Search results can be sorted by clicking on any of the available headings. For example, to sort the search results in alphabetical order by first name, click on the First Name heading.