
Set Vital Signs Entry Method

Open Application Settings

To add new vital signs devices, open the AGNES Connect application, and click the gear icon in the lower left of the application window.

Find and select the entry labeled Devices.

Find and select the entry labeled Vitals.

Select Device

The only required setting is the device. Click Device to see a drop-down list and select the name of the device that matches the monitor. For manual entry, select Manual.

To configure more than one vitals device, click the names of the desired devices from the drop-down list. The selected devices are all shown on the line and highlighted in the drop-down list. If a device offers options, they are displayed as a section labeled with the device’s name, below device selection.

Save Settings

To save the settings, click Apply.

Quit Without Saving

To quit without saving, press the Esc key or click X in the upper right corner.

HL7v2 Options

HL7 is controlled by a user supplied YAML configuration file. An EMR license is required. Below is a sample YAML configuration file. For assistance setting up HL7v2, please contact AMD Customer Support.

Shenzhen PC300 Options


If you are using the PC-300 VSM, you may optionally configure the COM port. This may be required on systems with more than one active COM device.

Baud Rate

Depending on the firmware, you may need to manually set the baud rate.

For PC-300 models shipped before January 2022, the selected baud rate should be set to 9600.

For PC-300 models shipped out January 2022 or after, the selected baud rate should be 115200.

Nonin SpO2 Options


If you are using the Nonin SpO2, you may optionally configure the COM port. This may be required on systems with more than one active COM device.