Public API

import { ORGANIZATION } from โ€˜@agnesuserguide/configโ€™;

Progetto: Heimdall a due gambe

Utilizza questa API per autorizzare lโ€™accesso a due vie e restituire un token JWT. Il token รจ richiesto per lโ€™autorizzazione in tutte le altre richieste API.

๐Ÿ“ Collezione: Utenti

Punto finale: Ottieni utenti


Utilizzare questa API per ottenere una matrice di oggetti contenenti dati utente dellโ€™organizzazione.

Proprietร  dellโ€™oggetto:

Chiave di proprietร Valore della proprietร Descrizione
orgStringa UUIDID dellโ€™organizzazione principale dellโ€™utente.
subStringa UUIDNumero di abbonato dellโ€™utente. Utilizzato come identificatore univoco per lโ€™utente.
nome di battesimocordaIl nome dellโ€™utente.
cognomecordaIl cognome dellโ€™utente.
ruolocordaIl ruolo dellโ€™utente allโ€™interno del sistema.
โ€œutenteโ€, โ€œamministratoreโ€, โ€œsistemaโ€
npiNumero di dieci cifre come stringaA Identificativo del fornitore nazionale รจ un numero di identificazione univoco di 10 cifre rilasciato agli operatori sanitari negli Stati Uniti dai Centers for Medicare e Medicaid Services.

Esempio di oggetto restituito JSON:

        "org": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "sub": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "username": "",
        "firstname": "Frodo",
        "lastname": "Baggins",
        "role": "user",
        "npi": null
        "org": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "sub": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "username": "",
        "firstname": "Bilbo",
        "lastname": "Baggins",
        "role": "administrator",
        "npi": null



Parametri query


โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

๐Ÿ“ Collezione: Portali

Punto finale: ottenere portali


Utilizzare questa API per ottenere una matrice di oggetti contenenti i dati del portale dellโ€™organizzazione.

I portali sono la rappresentazione virtuale di un computer utente registrato nel sistema.

Proprietร  dellโ€™oggetto:

Chiave di proprietร Valore della proprietร Descrizione
datiStringa UUIDdati

Esempio di oggetto restituito JSON:

        "data": "data"
        "data": "data"



โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

๐Ÿ“ Collezione: Gruppi

Punto finale: Ottieni gruppi

Usa questa API per ottenere una matrice di oggetti contenenti dati del gruppo di organizzazione.



Risposta: 200

        "id": "3s5*****-****-****-****-************",
        "org": "7ag*****-****-****-****-************",
        "name": "Administrators",
        "meta": {},
        "members": []
        "id": "9sd*****-****-****-****-************",
        "org": "53f*****-****-****-****-************",
        "name": "Test",
        "meta": {},
        "members": ["9ba*****-****-****-****-************"]

โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: Crea gruppo

Usa questa API per creare un nuovo gruppo in unโ€™organizzazione.

Metodo: POST


Corpo (grezzo)

    "name": "{{$randomAdjective}} {{$randomNoun}}",
    "meta": {},
    "members": []

Risposta: 200

    "id": "04a*****-****-****-****-************",
    "org": "040*****-****-****-****-************",
    "name": "back-end hard drive",
    "meta": {
        "meta": {}
    "members": []

โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: Ottieni Raggruppa per ID

Utilizzare questa API per ottenere oggetti contenenti dati per un gruppo specificato in unโ€™organizzazione.



Parametri query


โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: Modifica gruppo

Utilizza questa API per modificare i dati per un gruppo specifico in unโ€™organizzazione.

Metodo: PATCH


Corpo (grezzo)

    "name": "{{$randomAdjective}} {{$randomNoun}}",
    "meta": {},
    "members": ["{{userId}}"]

Risposta: 204


โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: Elimina gruppo

Utilizza questa API per eliminare un gruppo specificato in unโ€™organizzazione.



โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

๐Ÿ“ Raccolta: Programma

Punto finale: Ottieni programma


Utilizza questa API per ottenere una matrice di oggetti contenente i dati degli appuntamenti pianificati di unโ€™organizzazione.

Restituisce le proprietร  dellโ€™oggetto:

Chiave di proprietร Valore della proprietร Descrizione
fornitoreStringa UUIDLโ€™ID del medico che ospita la sessione. Recuperato dalla proprietร  sub di un utente.
pazienteoggettoUn oggetto contenente proprietร  che descrivono un paziente.
paziente.IDpazientecordaUn identificatore univoco per il paziente.
nome.pazientecordaIl nome del paziente.
paziente.cognomecordaIl cognome del paziente.
data.di.compleanno del pazienteData come formato anno-mese-data
La data di nascita del paziente.
paziente.sessocordaLโ€™identificatore biologico del paziente.
โ€œMโ€ o โ€œFโ€
ID sessioneStringa UUIDUn ID univoco che collega un appuntamento programmato con i dati del paziente.

Se si fornisce un ID sessione quando si accede a un portale, verranno inseriti tutti i dati del paziente associati allโ€™appuntamento programmato.

Se i dati del paziente non sono stati forniti durante la creazione dellโ€™appuntamento programmato, non verranno inseriti dati.
IDportaleNumero di 64 cifreLโ€™ID del portale in cui รจ programmato lโ€™appuntamento.
Ora di inizioData formattata ISOOrario di inizio fuori dallโ€™appuntamento programmato.
tempo di stopData formattata ISOOrario di fine dellโ€™appuntamento programmato.

Esempio di oggetto restituito JSON:

        "providerId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "patient": {
            "patientId": "c",
            "firstName": "Larry",
            "lastName": "Friesen",
            "birthDate": "2001-12-02",
            "sex": "M"
        "sessionId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "portalId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "startTime": "2021-12-02T06:07:49.000Z",
        "stopTime": "2021-12-02T08:00:24.000Z"



Parametri query

data dโ€™inizio01-01-2021
per pagina10
portali.nameTeleclinico Portatile

Risposta: 200


โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: Crea elemento programma


Utilizza questa API per creare un nuovo appuntamento programmato per unโ€™organizzazione.

Restituisce le proprietร  dellโ€™oggetto:

Vero se lโ€™appuntamento programmato รจ stato creato correttamente

Falso se lโ€™appuntamento programmato รจ stato creato correttamente

Esempio di oggetto restituito JSON:




Corpo (grezzo)

    "providerId": "{{userId}}",
    "patient": {
        "patientId": "{{$randomAlphaNumeric}}",
        "firstName": "{{$randomFirstName}}",
        "lastName": "{{$randomLastName}}",
        "birthDate": "{{randomDatePast}}",
        "sex": "M"
    "sessionId": "{{$randomUUID}}",
    "portalId": "{{portalId}}",
    "startTime": "{{$randomDateRecent}}",
    "stopTime": "{{$randomDateRecent}}"

Risposta: 200


โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: Ottieni elemento programma per ID


Utilizzare questa API per ottenere un oggetto contenente dati per un appuntamento pianificato specificato di unโ€™organizzazione.

Restituisce le proprietร  dellโ€™oggetto:

Chiave di proprietร Valore della proprietร Descrizione

Esempio di oggetto restituito JSON:

    // TODO



โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: Elimina elemento programma

Utilizza questa API per eliminare un appuntamento programmato specificato in unโ€™organizzazione.



Risposta: 200

    "sessionId": "1560f626-117f-4263-a068-46963357f30a",
    "providerId": null,
    "portalId": "8ad982843f36037b16450dd99c48663ecb6e031364241f146a906642efa9e101",
    "startTime": "2021-12-02T06:07:49.000Z",
    "stopTime": "2021-12-02T08:00:24.000Z",
    "meta": "{\"providerId\":\"b2f8d193-4e72-4d76-9dbf-677c86786ecb\",\"patient\":{\"patientId\":\"c\",\"firstName\":\"Larry\",\"lastName\":\"Friesen\",\"birthDate\":\"{{randomDatePast}}\",\"sex\":\"M\"}}"

โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

๐Ÿ“ Collezione: Organizzazione

Punto finale: ottenere organizzazioni

Utilizza questa API per ottenere un oggetto contenente attributi di dati per unโ€™organizzazione.

Esempio di oggetto di risposta:

        "id": "2xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "parent": "0xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "children": ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"],
        "name": "{ORGANIZATION.names.short} Demo Child",
        "slug": "{ORGANIZATION.names.short}-demo-child",
        "config": {
            "emr_provider": "redox",
            "datascan": {
                "api": {
                    "token": ""
            "ldap": {
                "url": null,
                "bindDN": null,
                "bindCredentials": null,
                "searchBase": "",
                "adminGroupDN": "",
                "users": {
                    "class": "inetOrgPerson",
                    "subAttribute": "",
                    "usernameAttribute": ""
                "groups": {
                    "class": "groupOfUniqueNames",
                    "idAttribute": "dn",
                    "nameAttribute": "cn",
                    "memberAttribute": "uniqueMember"
            "emr_provider_org": null,
            "logo": null,
            "pcc": {
                "clientId": "",
                "clientSecret": ""
            "identity_provider": "amd",
            "azuread": {
                "client_id": "",
                "client_secret": "",
                "tenant": "",
                "admin_group": "",
                "npi_claim": "sub"
            "agnes": {
                "whitelabel": "",
                "webPageTimeout": 15,
                "maxUsers": 2,
                "leftWindow": "medicalvideo",
                "rightWindow": null,
                "iframes": [],
                "modules": {
                    "chat": {
                        "enabled": true
                    "notes": {
                        "enabled": true,
                        "templates": []
                    "sessiondocs": {
                        "coverLogoHeight": 0,
                        "headerLogoHeight": 0
                    "vc": {
                        "enabled": true,
                        "force": false,
                        "iceTransportPolicy": "all"
                    "vitals": {
                        "enabled": true,
                        "temperatureUnits": "fahrenheit",
                        "bloodpressureUnits": "mmhg",
                        "heightUnits": "inches",
                        "weightUnits": "pounds"
            "identity_provider_org": null,
            "redox": {
                "destination_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
                "patient": {
                    "id_type": "EHRID"
        "metadata": {
            "emr_provider": "redox",
            "emr_provider_org": null
        "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "parent": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "children": [],
        "name": "I am a sibling organization",
        "slug": "sibling",
        "config": {},
        "metadata": {
            "emr_provider": null,
            "emr_provider_org": null
        "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx",
        "parent": null,
        "children": ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"],
        "name": "{ORGANIZATION.names.short} Demo",
        "slug": "{ORGANIZATION.names.short}-demo",
        "config": {
            "agnes": {
                "webPageTimeout": 1500,
                "maxUsers": 99,
                "modules": {
                    "notes": {
                        "templates": [
                                "template": "Telemedicine Patient Intake Form\n\nPatient: {{patient.lastName}}, {{patient.firstName}} {{patient.middleInitial}} \nPatient ID: {{patient.patientId}} \nSex: {{}} \nBirthdate {{patient.birthDate}} \n\nOrganization Name: {ORGANIZATION.names.long}\nClinic Location:   Chelmsford MA 01824\nLocal Provider: {{user.fname}} {{user.lname}}  \n\nChief Complaint/Reason for visit:   \n\nVital Signs   \n-SpO2: {{vitals.spo2}}      -Pulse: {{vitals.pulse}}   \n-Blood Pressure: {{vitals.bloodpressure}}   -Temperature: {{vitals.temperature}}   -Height: {{vitals.height}}   -Weight: {{vitals.weight}}   \n-Blood Glucose (mg/dL):    \n\nAdditional Encounter Notes:",
                                "name": "Patient Intake Form"
                                "template": "Telemedicine Provider Encounter Notes\n\nPatient: {{patient.lastName}}, {{patient.firstName}} {{patient.middleInitial}} \nPatient ID: {{patient.patientId}} \nSex: {{}} \nBirthdate {{patient.birthDate}} \n\nOrganization Name: {ORGANIZATION.names.long}\nClinic Location:   Chelmsford MA 01824\nObserving Provider: {{user.fname}} {{user.lname}}  \n\nChief Complaint of patient:\n\nDiagnosis:\n\nTreatment Plan:\n\nAdditional Encounter Notes:",
                                "name": "Provider Encounter Notes"
                    "vitals": {
                        "temperatureUnits": "celsius"
                "whitelabel": null,
                "iframes": [],
                "rightWindow": "videoconference",
                "leftWindow": "documents"
            "logo": "url",
            "identity_provider": "amd",
            "emr_provider_org": "'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'",
            "identity_provider_org": "''",
            "emr_provider": "redox"
        "metadata": {
            "emr_provider": "redox",
            "emr_provider_org": "'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'"



Parametri query


โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: creare organizzazione

Usa questa API per creare una nuova organizzazione.



Corpo (grezzo)

    "id": "{{$randomUUID}}",
    "name": "{{$randomAdjective}} {{$randomNoun}}",
    "slug": "{{$randomCatchPhraseNoun}}",
    "parent": "{{orgId}}",
    "config": {
        "agnes": {
            "webPageTimeout": 1500,
            "maxUsers": 99,
            "modules": {
                "notes": {
                    "templates": [
                            "template": "Telemedicine Patient Intake Form\n\nPatient: {{patient.lastName}}, {{patient.firstName}} {{patient.middleInitial}} \nPatient ID: {{patient.patientId}} \nSex: {{}} \nBirthdate {{patient.birthDate}} \n\nOrganization Name: {ORGANIZATION.names.long}\nClinic Location:   Chelmsford MA 01824\nLocal Provider: {{user.fname}} {{user.lname}}  \n\nChief Complaint/Reason for visit:   \n\nVital Signs   \n-SpO2: {{vitals.spo2}}      -Pulse: {{vitals.pulse}}   \n-Blood Pressure: {{vitals.bloodpressure}}   -Temperature: {{vitals.temperature}}   -Height: {{vitals.height}}   -Weight: {{vitals.weight}}   \n-Blood Glucose (mg/dL):    \n\nAdditional Encounter Notes:",
                            "name": "Patient Intake Form"
                            "template": "Telemedicine Provider Encounter Notes\n\nPatient: {{patient.lastName}}, {{patient.firstName}} {{patient.middleInitial}} \nPatient ID: {{patient.patientId}} \nSex: {{}} \nBirthdate {{patient.birthDate}} \n\nOrganization Name: {ORGANIZATION.names.long}\nClinic Location:   Chelmsford MA 01824\nObserving Provider: {{user.fname}} {{user.lname}}  \n\nChief Complaint of patient:\n\nDiagnosis:\n\nTreatment Plan:\n\nAdditional Encounter Notes:",
                            "name": "Provider Encounter Notes"
                "vitals": {
                    "temperatureUnits": "celsius"
            "whitelabel": null,
            "iframes": [],
            "rightWindow": "videoconference",
            "leftWindow": "documents"
        "logo": "",
        "identity_provider": "amd",
        "emr_provider_org": "{{$randomUUID}}",
        "identity_provider_org": "{{$randomUUID}}",
        "emr_provider": "redox"
    "metadata": {
        "emr_provider": "redox",
        "emr_provider_org": "{{$randomUUID}}"

โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: Ottieni organizzazione per ID

Utilizzare questa API per ottenere un oggetto contenente dati per unโ€™organizzazione specifica.



Risposta: 200

    "name": "1080p panel",
    "id": "9038420b-c49c-4b76-b87d-94052ba4c4df",
    "slug": "groupware",
    "config": {
        "logo": ""

โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: modifica organizzazione per ID

Utilizzare questa API per modificare gli attributi dei dati di unโ€™organizzazione specifica. La richiesta viene effettuata utilizzando lโ€™ID dellโ€™organizzazione.

Metodo: PATCH


Corpo (grezzo)

    "id": "{{temporaryOrgId}}",
    "name": "{ORGANIZATION.names.short} Mod",
    "slug": "{ORGANIZATION.names.short}-mod"

Risposta: 403

    "type": "ForbiddenError",
    "message": "Forbidden",
    "stack": "ForbiddenError: Forbidden\n    at assert (/hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/http-assert/index.js:8:9)\n    at patchOrganizations (/hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/packages/server/lib/api/v1/actions/organization/patch.js:24:9)\n    at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)\n    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)\n    at async nocacheMiddleware (/hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/koajs-nocache/index.js:29:5)\n    at async bodyParser (/hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/koa-bodyparser/index.js:95:5)\n    at async /hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/packages/server/lib/api/v1/index.js:18:13\n    at async /hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/koa-mount/index.js:58:5\n    at async /hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/oidc-provider/lib/helpers/initialize_app.js:246:5\n    at async errorHandler (/hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/oidc-provider/lib/shared/error_handler.js:23:7)\n    at async /hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/koa-mount/index.js:52:26\n    at async /hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/koa-mount/index.js:52:26\n    at async /hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/koa-mount/index.js:52:26\n    at async serve (/hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/koa-static/index.js:53:9)\n    at async /hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/packages/server/lib/index.js:72:17\n    at async /hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/koa-compress/index.js:43:5\n    at async logger (/hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/node_modules/koa-logger/index.js:67:7)\n    at async /hab/pkgs/amdglobal/heimdall/2.3.5/20211213214300/app/packages/server/lib/index.js:49:13"

โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: Elimina organizzazione per ID

Usa questa API per eliminare unโ€™organizzazione specificata in base al suo ID.



Risposta: 204


โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

Punto finale: ottenere lโ€™organizzazione per Slug

Utilizza questa API per ottenere un oggetto contenente gli attributi dei dati di unโ€™organizzazione specificata. La richiesta viene effettuata utilizzando lo slug dellโ€™organizzazione.



โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ โƒ

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